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skf bearings catalogue

skf bearings catalogue
Author :Admin | Publish Date:2012-04-25 11:13:14

                                                        SKF BEARINGS


       SKF was founded in 1907,  developed at a rapid speed to become a global company. Today SKF is represented in more than 130 countries. The company has more than 10manufacturing sites and also sales companies supported by about 15,000 distributor locations. SKF also has a widely used e-business marketplace and an efficient global distribution system.


       Sweden SKF Group develops its products within five technology platforms: Bearings and Units, Mechatronics, Lubrication Systems ,Services and Seals. Since its founding, SKF company headquarters have been located in Gothenburg. Today, SKF is the largest bearing manufacturer in the world and employs approximately 40,000 people in approximately 100 manufacturing sites that span 70 countries.


      The main products of SKF Group is such as solutions and services within rolling bearings, seals, mechatronics, services and lubrication systems. Services include technical support, maintenance services, condition monitoring and training.

        SKF Group is the leading global supplier of products, solutions and services within rolling bearings, seals, mechatronics, services and lubrication systems. Services include technical support, maintenance services, condition monitoring and training.


        SKF has a reputation for manufacturing high quality bearings. Most of our bearing and seal products are described in the SKF Interactive Engineering Catalogue. Information about other products may be included in other SKF websites. The left hand menu guides you to the right starting point.


        You can find online tools for product selection, and installation and maintenance in the library.


If you are looking for a product for a certain industry or application (for example a seal for a slurry pump), go to industries. This is a way to find the product and service solutions specific to your needs.

If you are looking for advice and services in the areas of engineering consultancy, logistics, asset management, condition monitoring, mechanical maintenance,

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